Preventing rats

At PestOz, we’re regularly giving advice on preventing rats. They have a nasty habit of finding their way inside!

If you’re suffering from a rat problem, your first step is to make it difficult for them to enter your home or premises. Rats look around skirting boards, behind fridges, behind cupboards and inside cupboards for holes. When preventing rats, those holes need to be closed up!

We advise using chicken mesh scrunched up and forced into holes. For an even better solution, spray the chicken mesh with foam hole sealer. This can be bought from any hardware store.

Rats love the kitchen. They are attracted to food left in bins or on countertops and will climb under even the smallest space beneath the kitchen door to find it. Try to get into the habit of emptying bins before going to bed and closing the kitchen door at night. You can also use a metal strip on the bottom of your kitchen doors to close off any space that rats might find to crawl through.

If you know of a primary location that rats enter your home or premises, we can set traps or place bait at these locations.

When in doubt, give us a ring for a free consultation! Let’s tackle this pest together!

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